Archive for November 5th, 2008|Daily archive page

November 5-catching up, Days 92, 93, 94

We have been in an area with limited cell phone service and few places to access the internet for several days.  Because of cell service, I did not get to talk to Merrie tonight.  The one pay phone in town does not work and our motel has no phones in the rooms.  Hopefully, I’ll have better service soon.  In the mean time, I love you Merrie.  Sleep well tonight.

Day 92–4 miles shy of Datil  (11/3)

Roger and I got up at 5:30 and went to Burger King again. Then we were off for the 30 minute drive to Magdalena. I started at 7:20. It was 43 degrees and breezy so I had on a fleece top along with gloves and a hat. Within an hour it had warmed enough to change to my vest and John Deere visor. I ran 3 of the first 6 miles but the hills started again along with a stiff headwind. I topped out in hills covered with cedar and pinion pine and could see ahead a straight, flat road that stretched for miles. This area is called Plains of Saint Agustin and is home to the “Very Large Array”, the group of radio telescopes that were featured in the movie “Contact.” We counted 20 radio telescopes and think there were more. Highway 60 bisects one arm of the array so I was right among them part of the day and could see them until dark. I stayed out until after sundown and managed to get 30 miles for the day.


Roger had gone ahead during the afternoon to see if there was a motel in Datil. Indeed there was, along with a convenience store and restaurant all owned by the same person. The motel has 4 rooms with a small television, but no phone or internet. There was one room available and we were happy to get it to keep from driving back 30 miles to Magdalena. If you like steak, the restaurant would really please you. Roger got a ribeye wrapped in bacon and said it was the best he ever had. I had to settle for bits and pieces. I had a grilled cheese with tomato and onion, fries, mashed potatoes with butter, a piece of coconut cream pie, a glass of milk and coffee. It was all good but I’m not sure how much it will help me tomorrow.

The election will be over by the time I get this entry published in my journal. But I had already planned the dedication, so I’ll go ahead with it. Today is dedicated to John McCain and Barrack Obama. I think both are good men but I did choose and vote for the one I thought best for our country. I sincerely hope the winner is up to the task.

Day 93–Pie Town  (11/4)

I left the plains and entered the mountains this morning. I passed through Datil at 4 miles and continued to climb. The mountains were covered in pinon pine and cedar and some larger pines that I do not know. My stomach was not happy. Food in Datil did not suit me. I had awakened in the night hungry a couple of times and breakfast did not fill me up. I began eating early from my stash in the car and by lunch my energy was better. I took 2 twenty minute naps. They helped. At 3:30 I crossed the western Continental Divide and we took pictures. Another major milestone of my trip is now behind me. After 2 more miles, I stopped for the day with 25 miles in Pie Town. We drove ahead to Quemodo and found a motel and better food than last night.

Today is dedicated to my friend Tony Rouse. Tony is an MTC member and run lots of races. He is a talented runner and always humble. I admire him for his pleasant manner and the easy way he gets along with others.

Day 94–Quemado  (11/5)

I had planned a big day today and it was.  It’s just that the milage was not what I wanted.  We were at Pie Town for the start at 7:30.  The temperature was in the high 30’s.  The wind was in the 30’s too, and directly in my face.  I wore polypro and Gore-tex and was not too cold.  The wind though made me work hard all day.  I went hard and did 10 miles in the first 3 hours.  Then we drove into town for a break and some food.  I had a sandwich and hot tea and went back out.  The temperature was now 45 and the wind was still the same.  I managed 12 more miles and ended the day about 4:30 with 22 miles.  The effort today felt much like the 28 mile uphill day I did Sunday.  The weather report says less wind tomorrow but still from the west.  I’m 50 miles from the next town and Roger Coan leaves tomorrow evening.  I hope to get close enough tomorrow to call Todd Bosen, the State Farm agent in Eagar, Az.  He has said he will help me in that area.

My brother Roger and his wife Kim are coming again.  They helped me in Missouri and will join me for a week at Thanksgiving.  This time Kim is bringing grits to cook for me.  I like grits and Kim knows how to cook them.  I’m looking forward to a large bowl of grits several mornings while they are here.  Kim is also lots of fun to have around.  She laughs a lot and has a good time.  Together, Roger and Kim will make for a lively time and it will be a pleasure to be with them during the Thanksgiving holiday.  Kim, thanks for coming to help me again. You are a good sister-in-law and I love you.  Today’s run is dedicated to you.